Planet Change - Young People as Agents of Change
Planet Change is the short name of an EU Erasmus+ project aimed at VET teachers and their students. With small activities, the idea is to create awareness about sustainability and acquire 21st century skills. All this is done in a technical context, mostly from space technology. All objectives can be found underneath this text.
In the various sections of this website, you can find more specific information about the partners and activities; we have sections for educators, for (possible) stakeholders and about the project partners.
For requests or additional questions, you can contact us here.
Educational Framework
Planet change has developed an online training programme providing teachers with a theoretical background on the topics of the challenges and information on inquiry based learning, gender inclusive challenges in the classroom and interdisciplinary learning.
From September 2023 until July 2025 the consortium partners of this programme have the opportunity to provide school teams with an onsite training . Please contact the consortium partner in your country for more information. You can find the partners on the partner page.
The following challenges are developed for VET students aged 16y and older. First of all, the challenges aim to make students more aware of the importance of sustainability, using space as a context. Secondly, the challenges aim to make the students more aware of the broad possibilities of careers in the space sector for all levels of education.
The challenges are divided into different themes, each with its own focus. The themes are pollution, energy efficiency, space hazards, constructions,
agriculture, climate change and logistics. Each theme has its own set of materials, which can be found by clicking on the tiles for the respecive themes below.
Pollution can be present in various ways; we all probably have heard about air pollution by methane or carbon dioxide, but light pollution, for instance, can also have a big impact on our daily lives. In the activities of this topic, we will look into both; what impact do they have, and how can they be measured and diminished? Students will do their own research, in their local surroundings, to find out how much pollution there is.
Energy efficiency
It is common knowledge that we use more energy every year. This means that we have to produce more energy to keep up with popular demand, apart from creating awareness on how to save energy. For the most efficient use of energy, technological developments are crucial. How do solar panels work, and how can we get their efficiency up? What kind of fuels can we use to answer to the demands? The different activities all look at (one of) these questions from different angles.
Energy efficiency
Space hazards
The Earth protects us from most dangers from space with its atmosphere and magnetic field, but studying these space hazards is essential to find ways to evade them. In this topic you can explore space weather such as solar flares, Near Earth Objects like comets and asteroids, and space debris in orbit around the Earth.
Space hazards
Construction, in the field of architecture and civil engineering, is the process of building a series of interconnected structures based on a project within a planning process. It is not a single activity, but a system of components, installations and finishes within which different professionals work together. The term 'construction' is also used to refer to the work carried out in this process, a simple masonry work (wall...), a structure (staircase...), a building (house, office…), a public work (bridge, stadium...). The general plan of the intervention is essential for the successful realisation of a work, as it links the architectural design to the construction and takes into account several related factors: environmental impact and sustainability, timing of the work, site safety, availability of resources and materials, logistics.
Agricuture is suffering more and more under the impact of the changing climate. How can we use technical solutions to make sure we can still grow and harvest our food in the near future? How much resources and physical room will be necessary to do so? And, what kind of agriculture is suitable for Space usage? Through different activities, we try to show the impact and look at solutions for sustainable agriculture. In Space, but also on our own planet.
Climate change
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Such shifts can be natural, due to changes in the sun's activity or large volcanic eruptions. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, such as burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, agriculture and inadequate land use. In the “Climate Change” topic, the activities designed aim to illuminate the pressing issue of deforestation and its pervasiveness, raise awareness about the impact of climate change on the local flora and fauna and use satellite data to monitor and understand how global warming is decreasing the amount of sea ice, and how this may be changing important ocean currents.
Climate change
With an ever growing economy and worldwide availability and transportation of goods, the impact of that transport is growing. How can we try to minimise that impact? Optimise transport routes (and ways), packaging, buy more local products; there are various ways to look at the whole chain of logistics that is involved. In these activities, we will focus on the efficiency of the transport itself, with the students trying to make as little impact as possible with the same products.
Explore the basics of Google Earth Pro and EO Browser, two powerful tools for displaying and analyzing satellite images. Both tutorials cover essential features to help you monitor changes and complete various activities. Google Earth Pro offers high-resolution imagery and a vast library of historical satellite images, while EO Browser is popular in the educational sector and provides a user-friendly interface.