Planet Change
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Planet Change - Young People as Agents of Change

Planet Change is the short name of an EU Erasmus+ project aimed at VET teachers and their students. With small activities, the idea is to create awareness about sustainability and acquire 21st century skills. All this is done in a technical context, mostly from space technology. All objectives can be found underneath this text.

In the various sections of this website, you can find more specific information about the partners and activities; we have sections for educators, for (possible) stakeholders and about the project partners. For requests or additional questions, you can contact us here.

Educational Framework

Illustration of the educational framework


Planet change has developed an online training programme providing teachers with a theoretical background on the topics of the challenges and information on inquiry based learning, gender inclusive challenges in the classroom and interdisciplinary learning.

From September 2023 until July 2025 the consortium partners of this programme have the opportunity to provide school teams with an onsite training . Please contact the consortium partner in your country for more information. You can find the partners on the partner page.


The following challenges are developed for VET students aged 16y and older. First of all, the challenges aim to make students more aware of the importance of sustainability, using space as a context. Secondly, the challenges aim to make the students more aware of the broad possibilities of careers in the space sector for all levels of education.


The challenges are divided into different themes, each with its own focus. The themes are pollution, energy efficiency, space hazards, constructions, agriculture, climate change and logistics. Each theme has its own set of materials, which can be found by clicking on the tiles for the respecive themes below.

Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency
Space hazards
Space hazards
Climate change
Climate change